Basic information for exchange students


It is common for students to be required to pass Zwischenexamen before being allowed to proceed from Grundstudium to Hauptstudium . Examen are intermediate examinations normally required after about four semesters of Grundstudium , and as noted above, are usually held during the Semester Break. In different academic departments they are also known as Zwischenprüfungen or Vordiplomprüfungen .

Examen generally are of two types: "university exams" and "state exams". University exams ( Diplomexamen and Magisterexamen ) lead to academic degrees ( Diplom, Magister Artium ). State exams ( Staatsexamen ) lead to a state-recognized "degree" which qualifies German nationals for employment in civil service positions, such as secondary school teachers, lawyers, and doctors.

Successful completion of the Zwischenexamen does not yield a degree. Zwischenexamen are a pre-requisite to continued and final studies. Students completing the Zwischenexamen , however, have had at least fifteen years of education.

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